Lou Eyres


Lightning Coaching

Are you someone who is high performing with a history of ​trauma or adversity?

Are you looking to lift your life and work to its highest ​potential, but cracks and gaps from your history are holding ​you back from peak performance?

Flow state science and systems are uniquely placed to ​optimise executive function, hack your biology and ​consciousness, and hone areas of confusion, vulnerability and ​disorganisation: to move you from management to mastery.

And the world needs you to do that. You are unusual precisely ​because of what you have been through and won through. ​Your experience and character uniquely place you to see in ​the dark, and summon the warrior and the creator within.

You already know how to channel your wildly original ​perspective, skills and imagination into powerful solutions, ​inspirations and medicines for these times. You just need a bit ​of help bringing it all together.

I’ve been a transformational coach and ​mentor for over 20 years, and I am ​passionate about helping people open ​their minds, master the past, and ​become the people they were born to be.

“I think I’ve ended every single session with Lou by closing my laptop and saying out loud ​to myself, “She’s just the best, I love her”. Her wisdom has been a guiding light, ​illuminating the path ahead as new unexplored layers of my Self unfold. There is no one ​I’d rather have beside me on this adventure. The magic in her is truly contagious.”

Rosie Leeson, Marketing Executive and ​Transpersonal Practitioner

Become A Lightning Rod In Stormy Times

Book A Discovery session

In today’s polarised, risk-filled and chaotic world, it is ​increasingly important for our leaders, artists, innovators and ​entrepreneurs to join the dots between individual and ​collective psychology, and the ways our consciousness reflects ​and creates the outer world.

To meet the challenges that face us, and create the kind of ​world we want to live in, we need to work across different ​levels of awareness, and align the inner to the outer.

Survivors of trauma or adversity are the embodiment of the ​hero’s journey. Forged through the fires of suffering, we ​become alchemists, transmuting pain and darkness into power ​and purpose.

Unusual times need unusual people to step up, and I can help ​you do just that.

“Meeting Lou turned out to be one of the most pivotal moments of my life. As much as ​people try to hide their worst selves, I think we are almost equally afraid of what we think ​are our best selves. Lou helped nurture that part of me, and made me understand how to ​search the recesses of my soul to find my voice as a writer. She's such a perfect guide and I ​absolutely love the way she looks at things. She possesses this incredible and somewhat ​frightening ability to get me to work hard and deliver my absolute best. It honestly borders ​on magic sometimes.”

Harish Alagappa, Writer and Content Creator

Flow Life

The escape velocity needed to transcend their past can propel ​people into extraordinary achievements. Research shows there is a ​high correlation between high performing leaders, entrepreneurs ​and creators, and a history of trauma or adversity.

Surviving hardship paradoxically fosters character traits that ​parallel many of the flow personality traits - unusual ​creativity, grit, innovation, risk tolerance, and a lifelong desire ​for autonomy, mastery and meaning.

Yet at times the past can short-circuit us, leading to ​workaholism and other addictions, drops in executive ​functioning, nervous systems that fritz, imposter syndrome ​and scattered focus. Overwhelm and self sabotage kick in, and ​time management and systems are derailed.

We can still feel we have so much to prove, win back or balance ​out.

Flow science and systems can fill in gaps and seal cracks, with ​scientifically backed frameworks and protocols for peak ​performance, higher levels of consciousness and anti-fragility.

Elements Of Flow

Flow Cycle and Brainwaves

Active Recovery

Digital Detox and Tech Temple

Growth Mindset & Post Traumatic Growth

Biohacking and Sleep Science

Transformative Purpose and Goal Setting

Time and Systems Jedi

Strengths, Resilience and Anti Fragility

Flow Coaching will give you the edge in your field, and time, freedom and ease in your life.

No longer just the purview of monks and magicians, these days, Olympian athletes, CEOs and artists ​alike are learning the ways of self mastery and spiritual technologies, outside of the old frames. Their ​tools not so much drums and chanting, as laptops, CAT scans and reverse engineering.

I feel very blessed to have worked with you. My life has changed dramatically in such a ​short time. Habits of procrastination and dissociation, when it came to career ​progression, due to fear and feelings of inadequacy, completely stopped. My mindset ​shifted, like turning a massive ship around, on to a path towards prosperity filled with ​pride and pure focus. I feel driven, full of excitement and a massive mountain of joy.

Nina Reynolds, Coach and Entrepreneur

How It Works

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I offer coaching programmes for 3, 6 and 12 months. Sessions are weekly or ​fortnightly, according to your preference, and are tailored around your ​inner intentions and outer goals.

Over our time together, you’ll train in the world’s most cutting edge, ​scientific and spiritual strategies for achieving your highest potential.

You may want to work on business, creative work, visionary leadership or ​yourself. Flow states and structures will optimise any and all of these, so ​you can move forwards with confidence, clarity and ease.

There will be homework between sessions to develop your work and hone ​the skills and insights of our time together. Contact is available between ​sessions for ongoing accountability, support and feedback.

Sessions take place online or in person in Brighton. As I offer concession-​rate mentoring to people going through spiritual emergency, I am not able ​to offer concessions for flow coaching at this time.

I work with a limited number of clients, so I can focus totally on you. Many ​of my clients end up journeying with me over years, and the transformation ​is extraordinary to witness.

Book a Discovery Session to chat through what you’re looking for, and to ​see if we’re a good fit.

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Educational charity the Aldridge Foundation, seven in 10 entrepreneurs cite traumatic childhood experiences as a formative event.

3/4 of entrepreneurs CEOs leaders report trauma adversity as their biggest driver

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Martin Lloyd-Elliott, a psychotherapist who has worked with high achievers, said many are driven by a “disproportionate burning desire to compensate” for an ego that has been “wounded” by childhood trauma. “The trauma becomes a driver.”

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Psychologist Victor Goertzel studied 400 well-known figures from the 20th century for his book Cradles of Eminence. Three-quarters of these exceptional individuals had suffered poverty, broken homes, abusive parents, alcoholism, illness or other disadvantages. “The ‘normal man’,” Goertzel concluded, “is not a likely candidate for the hall of fame.”

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There is just enough space here for several lines of text. Make sure you get your message across clearly yet concisely.

“I have worked as a writer and editor for many decades, but I needed help to deeply focus ​on my own projects. After working together in India, I decided to invest in some sessions ​with Louisa. Over these months, she has proven to be the most incredibly insightful, ​funny, shrewd guide through the fears and blockages that have so often held me back in ​my professional career. I recommend her unreservedly and wholeheartedly. She will ​really help you to catch and channel the lightning, the spark, the inspiration we all seek.

Laura Macdonald, Writer, Editor, Producer

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