Lou Eyres


About Me

I’ve coached and mentored people around the world for over 20

years. I work internationally with creators, entrepreneurs, ​leaders and innovators. I am passionate about helping people ​open their minds, master their past, and become the people ​they were born to be.

I’ve lived an eclectic life of travel, creativity, the healing arts and ​entrepreneurship. Alongside, I’ve journeyed the moonlit path of ​post traumatic growth and spiritual development, carving a life ​of purpose, flow and magic out of difficult beginnings.

I bring together an unusual skillset, perspective and cross-​fertilisation of experience and training, to form a unique ​offering for these times.

You're in the

perfect place.

I know inside-out the journey of recovering from ​trauma, and of the yearning to reach one’s highest ​potential - not just in spite of the past, but because of it.

I believe we each have a soul’s code, a cosmic job ​description sotospeak, and our life histories are woven ​into the fabric of that.

I look at the world around us, and the stormy times we ​are moving into, and I believe we are needed - to remind ​the world what life is really made of, to create a new ​story we can live into, to uplift the spirit, to build new ​architectures, to provide fortitude and maps through ​tough terrain.

Coaching Background

I qualified with distinction as a child therapist and went on to ​work at Great Ormond Street Hospital, deprived schools in ​London, and as an equine therapist with Sirona in Dartmoor, UK, ​where I also trained in natural horsemanship. Along with my ​colleague, we were the first people to lead Meditation with ​Horses retreats in the UK, and indeed to take horses to festivals ​to lead meditation sessions.

I went on to work for NHS, specialising in Unaccompanied ​Asylum Seeking Children, including those who had been in Isis ​and the Taliban, working with interpreters, and setting up ​programmes across Brighton.

I’m trained in a number of cutting edge models of trauma-​informed psychology, including Comprehensive Resource Model​ and Integral Somatic Psychology™, with whom I worked as a ​supervisor and trainer in India and the UK. I’m also initiated and ​trained in shamanic practises by Qero shamans in Peru, and in ​shamanic energy medicine, including with the Sacred Trust, UK.

I recently qualified as a Flow States and Peak Performance coach ​with the Flow Research Collective. I love their unique approach ​to altered states and post traumatic growth, optimised life and ​work systems, biohacking and active recovery, all presented in a ​way that is highly structured and scientifically backed.

I’m an experienced public speaker on the theme of spiritual ​emergence/y and its interaction with trauma, including for ​TEDx in Delhi, the London Philosophy Club, the Psychedelic ​Society and the British Psychological Society. I wrote a chapter ​about this for the book, Breaking Open: Navigating Spiritual ​Emergency.

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Louisa‘s chapter in Breaking Open is often ​highlighted by readers as particularly moving and ​beautiful. Her talks also often deeply connect with ​audiences. She has the ability to mix together ​poetry, psychology and spiritual wisdom, with ​humour and empathy.

Jules Evans, Writer and Speaker, ​Co-Editor Breaking Open

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Arts & Entrepreneurship

I spent considerable time in India over 2 decades, studying her ​myriad wisdom traditions and working in teaching, journalism, ​exports, art festivals and heritage workshop programmes.

I co-ran the Jaipur-based Wonderful Workshops, a critically ​acclaimed, non profit, heritage crafts workshop programme, for ​over 15 years. Supported by the Princes Trust, it was set up to bring ​together master craftsmen from India’s craft capital, Jaipur, with ​renowned international artists and designers, in order to promote ​craft conservation and cross cultural conversation.

Alongside, I worked as writer, editor and editorial director for the ​world’s largest literary festival, the Jaipur Literature Festival, ​described by Tina Brown as ‘the greatest show on earth.’ I’d had my ​start in festival press with the Edinburgh Book Festival, and art ​events management in London.

During my time with JLF, we hosted many luminaries including the ​Dalai Lama, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Salmon Rushdie, as ​well as showcased many marginalised writers for the first time, ​from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and beyond.

I created JLF’s international writing competition and writers’ ​programme, discovering and mentoring young talent. I ran teams of ​writers during the festivals, creating incredible amounts of realtime ​content. I went on to work as a creative consultant for many ​organisations, including the British Library, Immersive Networks ​and Brighton Dome.

Lou was our lucky charm. From the first day of the ​Jaipur Literature Festival, she became a much loved, ​essential member of our core team, as we took the ​festival from boutique to global. She is an extraordinary ​writer, editor and leader, producing and editing ​astonishing amounts of content in real time during the ​festivals in India and London, under huge time pressure ​and tech constraints. She ran her teams of writers, ​photographers and sub-editors with precision, laughter ​and elegance, earning their admiration and devotion. ​She also created and judged our International Writers ​Competition, and ran our writers programme for many ​years, discovering and mentoring young writers, a ​number of whom have gone on to make their mark.

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Sanjoy Roy, Producer, Jaipur ​Literature Festival

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Soul Technologies

I’m an award winning poet, and have had poems published in ​anthologies. I perform regularly, including for The Old Market in ​Brighton. I’m currently working on my first collection, and an ​album of jazz, spoken word and songwriting.

I have a Masters in creative writing and was recently published in ​What Now: How Creativity Helps Humanity. One day I’ll finish that ​Buddhist/ Shamanic/ Quantum Physics detective novel...

I adore travelling and over the last 20 years, have been on many ​long retreats and pilgrimages across Europe, Tibet, India, Nepal and ​Peru. I have had the incredible fortune to study with hawk-eyed ​Tibetan nuns and monks, Zen masters and Qero shamans.

I am slowly learning foraging, herbal medicine and the old ways, ​and love to roam the Sussex Downs with my beloved retriever and a ​notebook. I live in Brighton, UK with my husband and stepdaughter.

Louisa is doing something different. Her poetry is risk-​taking, highly original and ambitious. There is great ​power in it. She is up there with the best of them.

Alan Jenkins, Poetry Editor, ​Times Literary Supplement

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It's time for

things to change.

As the great Clarissa Pinkola Estes observes,

When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it ​is safe, there can be no doubt. But that is not ​what great ships are built for.’

I’m here to be beside you, offering support ​and insight, skills and healing, as you step into ​the realisation of your true potential.

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