Lou Eyres


Catch The Lightning

Life On Purpose

Altered States | Post Traumatic Growth | Future Proofing

Lou Eyres (nee Tomlinson)

I’ve coached and mentored people around the world for over 20

years. I work internationally with creators, entrepreneurs, leaders ​and innovators. I am passionate about helping people open their ​minds, master their past, and become the people they were born ​to be.

I’ve lived an eclectic life of travel, creativity, the healing arts and ​entrepreneurship. Alongside, I’ve journeyed the moonlit path of ​post traumatic growth and spiritual development, carving a life of ​purpose, flow and magic out of difficult beginnings.

I bring together an unusual skillset, perspective and cross-​fertilisation of experience and training, to form a unique offering ​for these times.

Do you feel called to ​dream, create, shape ​or lead a more ​beautiful world?

Are you someone who is high performing with a history of ​trauma or adversity? Are you looking to lift your life and work ​to its highest potential, but cracks and gaps from your history ​are holding you back from peak performance?

Flow state science and systems are uniquely placed to ​optimise executive function, hack your biology and ​consciousness, and hone areas of confusion, vulnerability and ​disorganisation: to move you from management to mastery.

And the world needs you to do that.

You are unusual precisely because of what you have been ​through and won through. Your experience and character ​uniquely place you to see in the dark, and summon the ​warrior and the creator within.

You already know how to channel your wildly original ​perspective, skills and imagination into powerful solutions, ​inspirations and medicines for these times. You just need a ​bit of help bringing it all together.

Flow States and Post ​Tr​aumatic Growth

The escape velocity needed to transcend the past can propel ​people into extraordinary achievements.

Research shows there is a high correlation between high ​performing leaders, entrepreneurs and creators, and a history of ​trauma or adversity.

Surviving hardship paradoxically fosters character traits that ​parallel many of the flow personality traits - unusual creativity, ​grit, innovation, risk tolerance, and a lifelong desire for ​autonomy, mastery and meaning.

Flow science and systems can fill in gaps and seal cracks, with ​scientifically backed frameworks and protocols for peak ​performance, higher levels of consciousness and anti-fragility.

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